Pharma Valley is born – industrial logistics management at BCUBE

B3 News

Yesterday morning, 10 May 2022, at the Palazzina Colombo of the Interporto Toscano Amerigo Vespucci S.P.A., in the presence of the President of the Region of Tuscany and the local authorities, the official presentation of the „PHARMA VALLEY“ – the logistics hub project dedicated to pharmaceuticals and life sciences – was held.

The ‚Pharma Valley logistic-digital platform‘ was created to respond to the needs of companies mainly in central Italy, redefining the current structure of the logistics chain and creating competitive advantage through a logistic-distribution model based on the optimisation of the service level.

The initiative, developed within a public-private collaboration model, envisages the creation of an innovative logistics-digital hub for the management of end-to-end logistics flows of the supply chain (suppliers, manufacturing companies, infrastructures and end customers) of the Life Science sector.

The platform will operate through a portfolio of 32 logistics-digital services (industrial logistics services, pharmaceutical workshop services, distribution services) and will manage both physical flows, such as:

Integration of data and orchestration of information for planning, coordination and monitoring of the physical services of the platform and all related flows;
Synchronisation of end-to-end logistics flows, ensuring complete visibility and real-time traceability of products and their temperature to all actors in the supply chain (suppliers, companies, logistics/transport operators, infrastructure);
Management of requests for direct home delivery of medicines and medical devices;
Bundling of cross-company deliveries, according to shipping date, temperature, destination and mode of transport;
Enabling interaction with Tuscany’s infrastructures (Pharma Valley Platform, Livorno Freight Village, Livorno Port, Pisa Airport, Customs Agency) to manage and simplify administrative paperwork (customs duties, authorisations and inspections, VAT, authorisation paperwork, etc.);
Contract lifecycle management and management of the invoicing and payment flow from providers to network companies.
The execution of services will be managed by a panel of leading providers, such as:

BCUBE: for industrial logistics services
DHL: for national and international road and air transport services
MAERSK: for maritime distribution services
Palladio/Pharma Partners: for pharmaceutical workshop services
The platform will be built inside the Interporto Toscano Amerigo Vespucci (Guasticce (LI)), in an area of over 125,000 square metres.

When fully operational, the building that will be constructed will occupy an area of about 60,000 square metres and will handle more than 600,000 pallets per year, stored in over 120,000 pallet spaces, and will be the first national example of a specialised hub that aspires to be among the largest in Europe.

The choice of this location for the construction of the platform is dictated by the strategic nature of its position, which favours distribution flows in Export, given its proximity to the Port of Livorno and Pisa Airport; with these infrastructures, in fact, customs fast corridors will be activated that will enhance the platform both as a back-port and as a back-airport.

In the realisation of this important project, for BCUBE, the following worked in particular: the Solution Design department in the persons of Antonio Anastasia and Giulia Luparia – operations in the person of Luca Mariotti and for the commercial part – and the ICT technical support of Andrea Carau – furthermore, Fabrizio Iacobacci and Domenico Cocchia brought their experience for the Pharma Centre part.


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